All posts filed under: BLOG POSTS

The Mass for Millennials: Entrance Song

Published by Jim Corcoran

The people have already come into the church (well, most of them have arrived). Individual practices are everywhere. Some genuflect before taking their pew. Some bow solemnly before the altar, then sit. Others wave to friends and family and start to make small talk while mindlessly half-genuflecting and then sitting to make a cursory prayer. In just a few moments, however, these people will be rec...

A Letter to the Newly Baptized

Published by Sarah Karchunas

To the Recently Baptized:

Music of Holy Week: Easter Sunday

Published by Carolyn Pirtle

Having witnessed to the light of the risen Christ at the Easter Vigil with the singing of the Exsultet, the Church proclaims on Easter Sunday that the tomb is empty in the singing of the Easter Sequence, Victimae Paschali Laudes.

The Easter Portal

Published by Timothy O'Malley

At the parish Easter Vigil, on that night when earth is wedded to heaven, nineteen people were baptized. Their stories, their lives, their very persons are now fully knit into Christ's own life.