McGrath Institute Blog

Podcast Excerpt: The Pro-Life Movement in American Politics

Written by The Editors | Jan 25, 2021 6:01:55 PM

This past Friday marked the 48th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in America. This coming Friday marks the 48th annual March for Life, a rally that upholds the sanctity of human life from conception through natural death and protests the tragedy of abortion. While the March for Life is traditionally a large-scale event held in Washington, D.C., due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year it will consist only of a small group of leaders in the pro-life movement, with the rest of the country invited to participate virtually in the national rally.

If you’re interested in learning more about the pro-life movement and its potential to affect American politics in the future, check out Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo’s interview with Dr. Charles Camosy on Church Life Today, the McGrath Institute’s podcast. Camosy is associate professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University, and author of Beyond the Abortion Wars: A New Way Forward for a New Generation. Drawing from the image of the “throw-away culture” used frequently by Pope Francis, Camosy states: 

I talk about throwaway culture a lot . . . I think what we often do is just use people, and by putting them into buckets for our political agendas, instead of looking at them in the particularity of who they are as individuals; . . . we need to re-engage with a culture of encounter and hospitality that respects the particularity of each and every individual without dismissing them or putting them in certain kinds of buckets based on these demographic factors.

Listen to the full podcast episode by clicking the button below:

Featured image by Maria Oswalt via Unsplash