All posts filed under: BLOG POSTS

The Mass for Millennials: Lamb of God

Published by Grace Agolia

Many of us struggle with the “presence in absence” of God in the Eucharist. It is hard to believe that our God, incarnate in Jesus Christ, is really and actively present with us in the Eucharist, which seems to be just mundane, ordinary bread and wine. When faced with this feeling of doubt or even apathy, I find that the “Lamb of God” impels me to confront the “presence-in-absence” of God in the E...

Music of Holy Week: The Easter Vigil

Published by Carolyn Pirtle

The Exsultet

Music of Holy Week: Good Friday

Published by Carolyn Pirtle

On this Good Friday, as we recall the Passion and Death of Jesus, we gaze upon the Cross. On the one hand, we recoil from the Cross in horror as the instrument of torture and execution, the gibbet on which the Savior of the world hung in agony and breathed his last. On the other hand, we rejoice in the Cross as the means by which Jesus Christ accomplished our salvation and the salvation of the who...