All posts filed under: BLOG POSTS

The Mass for Millennials: The Gospel

Published by Rose Urankar

The cantor raises their arms, calling the congregation to stand and proclaim, Alleluia. Slowly, I shake myself out of my sleepy stupor and rise with my fellow Mass-goers. At this point, I am thankful for an excuse to stand. I haven’t had much to do for a while, and I’m in danger of falling asleep. Even though they call it the Liturgy of the Word, they don’t really give us many words to say, do the...

The Mass for Millennials: Penitential Act

Published by Rose Urankar

Silence is not a common feature in my life. As a musician I am rarely without a song in my head, and this song can find its way out of my mind even with the slightest prompting—if a word, phrase, or chord progression resembles something in a song I love, I begin a full rendition. I’ve been known to accidentally hum in class absentmindedly, much to the dismay of my teachers. Heck, I even talk in my...