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Timothy O'Malley

Timothy P. O’Malley is the director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, where he engages in scholarship that seeks to retrieve biblical, catechetical, and liturgical insights that facilitate a renewal of the Church’s liturgical imagination. He is also an associate professional specialist in the department of theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches courses on preaching, catechesis, liturgical theology, and the Scriptures. In addition to authoring numerous articles, the book Liturgy and the New Evangelization, and a forthcoming monograph entitled On Praise: Worship and the Eschatological Imagination, O’Malley is the founding editor for Church Life.

Recent Posts

The Urgency of Salvation

Published by Timothy O'Malley

The final chapter of the Book of Isaiah describes how Israel will draw all nations to itself, redeeming the entire human family.

The Feast of the Assumption as the Olympiad of Christian Hope

Published by Timothy O'Malley

Glorious things are spoken of you, O Mary, who today were exalted above the choirs of Angels into eternal triumph with Christ (Entrance Antiphon, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Elite athletes exist at the edge of the possible and the physically absurd. Consider for a moment the 31st Olympiad underway in Brazil.

  • The marathon runner, who pushes his or her body beyond human limitations...

The Sword of Division

Published by Timothy O'Malley

The stark reality of Jesus’ words in the Gospels should often shake us to our inner core. Jesus didn’t come into the world to preach the Gospel of niceness. Rather, Jesus proclaims today, “‘I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!’” (Lk 12:49).

Seeing the Unseeable

Published by Timothy O'Malley

The Letter to the Hebrews is a masterful restatement of the story of Israel in light of Jesus Christ. In chapter one, the letter clearly states its premise:

Answering Unanswered Prayers

Published by Timothy O'Malley

Intercessory prayer is a stumbling block for many people. We ask God for the healing of a friend and hear only silence. Why does it seem that God does not answer our prayers?

The Fruitful Promise of God

Published by Timothy O'Malley

"Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years, and Sarah had stopped having her menstrual periods” (Gen 18:11). This is the kind of detail that frequently perplexes my undergraduates. Why does the Bible care about Sarah’s fertility?

Come and See

Published by Timothy O'Malley

A city isn’t just a group of people living closely together. It’s a place with pride, with a vision of what it means to belong together. New York City is the city that never sleeps. Los Angeles is the city of possibilities (and of constant outdoor recreation). They have different visions of human happiness, of what it means to live together.

The Cost of Discipleship

Published by Timothy O'Malley

The cost of being one of Jesus’ disciples in the Gospel of Luke is steep. As we learn on the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, to follow Jesus may require us to leave behind everything.

Kings of the King

Published by Timothy O'Malley

This isn’t the behavior of a Messiah. You can almost hear the crowd gathered around Jesus murmuring this to themselves. They haven’t followed this prophetic miracle-worker, this teacher extraordinaire to watch him die.

The Stinginess of the Sinner

Published by Timothy O'Malley

We often think about sin as extravagance. The sinner is the one who drinks too much, gambles too much, who desires pleasure too much. On the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we consider the stinginess of the sinner. The sinner who loves not enough.