All posts filed under: ARTICLES

The Urgency of Salvation

Published by Timothy O'Malley

The final chapter of the Book of Isaiah describes how Israel will draw all nations to itself, redeeming the entire human family.

The Stinginess of the Sinner

Published by Timothy O'Malley

We often think about sin as extravagance. The sinner is the one who drinks too much, gambles too much, who desires pleasure too much. On the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we consider the stinginess of the sinner. The sinner who loves not enough.

A Sinner Among Sinners

Published by Timothy O'Malley

Israel understands itself as a nation existing only through God’s extraordinary mercy. Blotted out from the earth because of their sins against the poor, their wars carried out for the sake of prosperity, and their political alliances that led to idolatry, God nonetheless restores them from captivity in Babylon. The God who led Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea acts once again: “Remember not...