All posts filed under: ARTICLES

Confessions of a Post-'Rad Trad' Millennial: The Perfect Sacrifice

Published by Joseph Wagner

I grew up in a parish that was very much steeped in the “Spirit of Vatican II”: our priests used glass chalices, wore their stoles over their chasubles, and there wasn’t a Sunday in Ordinary Time when we didn’t sway to the beat of a rousing song. For the most part, I had good liturgical formation growing up. While many abuses perdured, my pastor had a keen penchant for “good liturgy.” When I start...

Improving Catholic Homilies, Part 3: Explain the Liturgy

Published by Christian Smith

I have in parts one and two of this series dedicated to improving Catholic homilies suggested two major pieces of advice. First, avoid homilies that are unfocused and difficult to absorb by driving home only one important point per homily. Second, avoid sentimental moralism by grounding every homily message in the Good News of what God has done for us as the foundation of anything we might need to...

A Theology of Liturgical Evangelization: Part 5

Previously in this series: A Theology of Liturgical Evangelization: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4

Review: "Preaching as Worship" by Michael Quicke

How might Catholic parishes better form worshippers in, through, and for liturgy?

Scapegoating Liturgical Reform

Published by Timothy O'Malley

Over the last several months, there have been a series of blogs, all seeking to establish that the treatment of liturgy following the Second Vatican Council is responsible for the decline in both religious vocations and Catholic practice in late modern society. Some have taken the approach that liturgy after the Council has been "feminized," often leading to a reduction of men entering the priesth...