Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Posted by The Editors on Jul 6, 2020 4:19:20 PM
The Editors

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Looking for new ideas or resources to engage your faith or your ministry? Here are our weekly curated links, including offerings in each of the following categories: Prayer for the Home, Educational Opportunities, Resources (for ministers, educators, parents, etc.), and Flourishing and Fun.

Prayer for the Home: 

Learn about Lectio Divina
If you’ve wanted to incorporate Scripture into your prayer life, but weren’t sure how to do it, this article from the USCCB provides an introduction to lectio divina, or “sacred reading,” which is a way of praying with Scripture that’s been practiced in Christianity for over 1500 years. 

Educational Opportunities: 

El RICA y los Ministerios Parroquiales
Esta es la primera sesión de una serie de cuatro seminarios en línea en Español ofrecido por Liturgy Training Publications. Estos talleres se concentran en el proceso de evangelización e iniciación en la Iglesia, y cómo puede revitalizar parroquias. 


Nurturing Your Child’s Faith
What’s in a name? This article from Loyola Press invites parents to share with their children the story of how they chose their name, along with stories of their ancestors and favorite saints, all to nurture within the child a sense of purpose and calling in life.


Coping with Working from Home Burnout
Many people are still working from home (WFH) to maintain social distancing, and some have been required to make the change permanently. This article identifies signs of WFH burnout and offers practical suggestions for working through them.

And just for fun:

Sack Lunch Saint Puppets
This downloadable ebook contains templates that allow you and your children to turn sack lunches into puppets of their favorite saints! An inexpensive way to turn rainy summer days into opportunities to make crafts and learn about holy men and women in the Church.

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Topics: prayer, saints, Scripture, parenting, lectio divina, Hispanic ministry, Catolicismo hispano, COVID-19 Resources, Monday Motivation Weekly Resources

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