Faith & Science: The Miracle of the Resurrection and Science

Posted by Chris Baglow on Jun 2, 2020 9:17:04 AM

Editorial Note: This post is part of our #FaithAndScience series exploring the relationship between science and religion.

Considering the Resurrection of Christ with modern science as a backdrop helps us look upon the mystery of the Resurrection with fresh eyes. From the perspective of physics, the Resurrection is the elevation of matter to a new way of existing beyond what is possible in the normal state of the universe. From the perspective of biology, the man Jesus belongs totally to the sphere of the divine and eternal. Now “in” God there is a place for bodiliness, which means that human beings now have a “place” in God’s life. 

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Topics: faith and reason, Resurrection, science, science and religion

Lecturing to an Empty Classroom

Posted by John Cavadini on Apr 8, 2020 7:06:00 AM

Classes resumed at the University of Notre Dame after the conclusion of an extended Spring Break. My large lecture class, 230 students strong, called “The Catholic Faith,” resumed with the rest of our classes. I showed up to my usual classroom at the usual class time with my usual feeling of nervousness before teaching. I prepared the blackboard as usual, with the topic for the day, “The Descent into Hell, The Resurrection, and the Ascension of the Lord.” Our class is based on the Apostles’ Creed. We have reached the end of the second article. I put on the screen an image of the two classical icons of the Resurrection, the one of Christ descending into Hell and liberating Adam and Eve from the kingdom of the dead, and the one of the Spice-Bearing Women, come, as they thought, to anoint the body of the Lord. At the appointed moment, I started my lecture.

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Topics: Easter Proclamation, Holy Week, education, Exsultet, Resurrection, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, social distancing

Stories of Grace: Really Good Ponds

Posted by Madeline Infantine on Mar 6, 2020 7:15:00 PM

I think that, if we’re lucky in this life, we’ll get to come across perhaps three or four really really good ponds. This story begins with one such pond: a koi pond at Balboa Park in San Diego. This particularly good pond was something that I happened upon while ambling around the park one sunny June afternoon in the company of someone I dearly love. We weren’t alone in thinking it the perfect day to take advantage of such a treasure: there were dog-walkers and stroller-pushers, families and friends, couples old and young. Loveliness seemed to flutter all around this large pond, gently begging us to lend our attentiveness.

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Topics: death, Jesus Christ, Resurrection, stories of grace

Living and Handing on the Faith

The McGrath Institute Blog helps Catholics live and hand on their faith in Jesus Christ, especially in the family, home and parish, and cultivates and inspires everyday leaders to live out the fullness and richness of their faith in the simple, little ways that make up Church life.

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