Essay Excerpt: Love is Always Conditional

Four poems that can help us teach our kids about God

An Art-full Discernment

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue

The Contemplative Art of Sorting

The importance of feasting in the Christian tradition

Podcast Excerpt: The Religious Disaffiliation of Young People

The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting Year-Round

Making Connections in Online Learning

Music to Celebrate the Easter Season

The Triduum in Art: Easter

The Triduum in Art: Holy Saturday

The Triduum in Art: Good Friday

The Triduum in Art: Holy Thursday

Tradiciones de Cuaresma y Semana Santa

Series Recap: Traditions of Lent & Holy Week

He Emptied Himself

Essay Excerpt: The Festival Fast of the Annunciation

Three Essays for the Feast of St. Óscar Romero

The Centrality of Prayer in the Christian Life

Simple Prayers for Complicated Times

To be just like St. Joseph

Overcoming the Forgetting Curve in Teaching a Consistent Ethic of Life

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Main Building

Series Recap: Sacraments and the Virtues

Upholding Human Dignity through Pro-Life Teaching Resources

Essay Excerpt: Asceticism as Healing Art

Faith and Science: What is True?

Podcast Excerpt: Sex, Gender, and Feminism

Writing Lesson Plans Anchored in Human Dignity

Series Recap: Liturgy and Education

Lenten Playlist: 40 Songs for 40 Days

Free Resource for the Family: A Guide to Night Prayer for Lent

Free Teaching Resources: Promoting an Integral Vision of Human Life and Dignity Across Disciplines

Anointing of the Sick and the Virtue of Hope

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Free Online Series: Journey with The Saint John's Bible

Penance & Reconciliation and the Virtue of Justice

Three Ash Wednesday Offerings

Make a Scriptural Pilgrimage this Lent

Valentine's Day Movies Where Love is Patient and Kind

Matrimony and the Virtue of Temperance

Choosing your Lenten practices

Listen and Watch: Gloria Purvis Speaks on the Sin of Racism

Holy Orders and the Virtue of Prudence

The Catholic School Must Remember the Family

What is Candlemas and how to observe it

Forming Young Parishioners through Catholic Education

St. Thomas Aquinas and the Joy of Catholic Education

Eucharist and the Virtue of Charity

Liturgy and Education, Part 11: Liturgical Culture as a Healing Medicine

Podcast Excerpt: The Pro-Life Movement in American Politics

Liturgy and Education, Part 10: Developing a Liturgical Culture

Confirmation and the Virtue of Fortitude

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes

Cultivating Christian Unity and Ecumenism in the Classroom

Liturgy and Education, Part 9: The Liturgical Curriculum of the Catholic School

Baptism and the Virtue of Faith

The Importance of Art in Catechesis

Continuing to Contemplate the Incarnation Year-Round

Día de Reyes: Las Naciones se Reunieron alrededor del Niño Jesús

Día de Reyes: The Nations Gathered Around the Messiah

Simple Ways to Start Living Liturgically in the New Year

Podcast Excerpt: The Three Wisemen

Essay Excerpt: Weeping with Rachel, in Sorrow and Hope

The Infancy Narratives: More than Baby Jesus

The Essential Heart of Advent Prayer

Rediscover Wonder through the Nativity Scene

Dándole la Bienvenida al Forastero: Las Posadas

Welcoming the Stranger: Las Posadas

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Corby Hall

Carolyn's Christmas Movie Countdown

Pray the O Antiphons [Free Resource]

Madre de Esperanza, Madre del Amor

Mother of Hope, Mother of Love

A Feast of Freedom: The Immaculate Conception of Mary

Advent Anticipation: Of Mystics, Martyrs, and Unknown Bards

John the Baptist: A Patron for Lay Ministers

Four Ways to Celebrate Advent as a Domestic Church

Eucharist Means Thanksgiving

Practicing Gratitude in Difficult Times

Fides et Ratio: St. John Paul II on Faith and Reason

Celebrate Advent and Christmas with Our Digital Crèche Calendar

The Gift of Grieving as a Parish Community

Black Catholic History Month: An Interview with Dr. Shannen Dee Williams

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Founder's Monument

Free Webinar from the Office of Life and Human Dignity

Cross-Generational Catechesis for the Whole Parish Family

Engaging Pastoral Creativity: Respond and Reflect

Essay Excerpt: Voting Like a Catholic

Music for the Month of All Souls: The Requiem Mass

Stories of Grace: The Healing of Desire

Series Recap: Catholicism and Politics

Engaging Pastoral Creativity: Listen and Ponder

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: Old College

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

At Home in Our Homelessness: What Can Catholics Expect from Politics?

Engaging Pastoral Creativity: Pray, Reflect, Identify

Spiritual Friendship and the Redemptive Vision of "Fratelli Tutti"

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Belonging to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

What is Political Discourse for the Catholic?

How a Pandemic Can Lead to Pastoral Creativity

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Be Not Afraid: Accompanying Loved Ones with Mental Illness

On Some Problems with Political Discourse

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 7: Nurturing "Yahad"

A Catholic Approach to Supporting Persons with Mental Illness

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

St. Thérèse of Lisieux, “Daughter of Sts. Louis & Zélie Martin”

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 6: Building a Team

Sacred Sites of Notre Dame: The Log Chapel

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 5: Co-Responsibility

Conformed to Christ: St. Padre Pio

The Mother-Child Bond [Free Resource]

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 4: Acknowledging God's Gifts

Zooming Out: Adapting Parish Programs to New Formats

Saying Yes with Our Lady of Sorrows

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 3: Building a Framework

St. Peter Claver: Pioneer of Anti-Racism

Make a Pilgrimage at Our Lady's University

Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 2: Baptized as Leaders

Series Recap: Homeschooling 101

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Stories of Grace: Doing Laundry

Exploring Scripture-Based Leadership, Part 1

Approaching Parish Ministry During a Pandemic

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Be Where Your Feet Are

Faith and Science: Heroes of Catholic Science

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Grace of Self-Sacrificing Love

Taking Hope Back to School

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Faith and Science: A Model of Sanctity for Catholic Scientists

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Choosing Trust with St. Ignatius of Loyola

Free Resource on the Relationship between Faith and Science

Martha of Bethany: A Saint for Those at Home

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Celebrating Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles

Faith and Science: Imperfection, Evil, and Human Nature

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Becoming Christ's Mercy: Renewal in Eucharistic Ministry, Part 2

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Becoming Christ's Mercy: Renewal in Eucharistic Ministry, Part 1

Liturgy and Education, Part 8: The Art of Understanding

Faith and Science: The Language of God

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

There is No Love Without Justice: The Catholic Response to Racism

Liturgy and Education, Part 7: The Art of Memory

Embracing Sacrifice

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Free Life & Human Dignity Resource on the Death Penalty

Liturgy and Education, Part 6: Desiring Happiness

Facing Anxiety with the Holy Spirit's Help

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Rethinking Our Summer Rest

Staying Catholic in College: A Letter to Youth Ministers

Liturgy and Education, Part 5: Liturgy & the Catholic School's Curriculum

Faith & Science: Newton's Laws & Flaws

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Essay Excerpt: Fr. Ted Hesburgh's Call to Civil Conversion

Liturgy and Education, Part 4: Celebrating Liturgies in the Family

Behind the Scenes: Stories in Light

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Preaching the Trinity, Part 2: Thou Shalt . . .

Preaching the Trinity, Part 1: Thou Shalt Not . . .

Staying Catholic in College: A Message to Parents

Liturgy and Education, Part 3: Re-Education of Desire through Liturgy

Faith & Science: The Miracle of the Resurrection and Science

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

The Power of Preaching, Part 5: Giving Feedback

Liturgy and Education, Part 2: Celebrating Liturgies in Schools

Stability for Lay Christians

Called & Co-Responsible: Summer Seminars for Church Life Renewal

Missing Him

The Power of Preaching, Part 4: Good Preaching is Ordinary

Liturgy and Education, Part 1: Why They Need Each Other

Staying Catholic in College: A Letter to High School Graduates

Faith & Science: The Human Soul and Science

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Essay Excerpt: Of Mental Illness and Icons

Marian Music for the Month of May

The Power of Preaching, Part 3: What is Good Preaching?

Free Resource: Celebrating Mary in the Month of May

The Works of Mercy in a Marian Spirituality

Evangelization Through Questions

The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting Year-Round

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

Stories of Grace: Motherly Prayer

Working Remotely and the Common Good of the Family

Free Online Course: Pillars of the Church

Surrender Amid Social Distancing

Faith & Science: On God and the Problem of Evil

Monday Motivation: Weekly Resources

A Nation Consecrated to Mary

Living and Handing on the Faith

The McGrath Institute Blog helps Catholics live and hand on their faith in Jesus Christ, especially in the family, home and parish, and cultivates and inspires everyday leaders to live out the fullness and richness of their faith in the simple, little ways that make up Church life.

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