Looking for new ideas or resources to engage your faith or your ministry? Here are our weekly curated links, including offerings in each of the following categories: Prayer for the Home, Educational Opportunities, Resources (for ministers, educators, parents, etc.), and Flourishing and Fun.
Topics: Divine Mercy, formation, resources, downloadable resources, Called & Co-Responsible Conference, co-responsibility, COVID-19 Resources, Monday Motivation Weekly Resources
Over the past two weeks, we’ve received a number of requests from people looking for resources to assist them in different ways as they meet the challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak. In response, we’ve begun curating online resources in this weekly series, including links in each of the following categories: Prayer for the Home, Educational Opportunities, Resources (for ministers, educators, parents, etc.), and Flourishing and Fun.
Here’s what caught our attention for this week:
Topics: Divine Mercy, Holy Week, parish life, rosary, COVID-19 Resources, Monday Motivation Weekly Resources