It was nearing the end of my sophomore year. I had a pretty similar life to everyone around me. I’d wake up in the morning earlier than what was healthy so I could get to my 7:30 AM class at my school 30 minutes away. My dad would usually have eggs and bacon ready for me by the time I was out of the shower and my mom always made me a smoothie that tasted exactly how it looked—like slop. I finished up classes for the day, and then came my favorite part of the day: hockey practice. Playing hockey was the one thing that got me through the school day because I never felt more free than when I was skating, with the cold air against my face while my feet glided across a smooth surface of ice.
Anthony Smyth

At the time this story was originally published in 2018, Anthony was a junior studying science-business and theology at Notre Dame. Anthony hopes to pursue a career in medicine, and he keeps himself busy working 4 jobs, playing intramural sports, doing research, and volunteering with his favorite club on campus, Camp Kesem.
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