Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ

Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ
Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ is a former high school teacher and college campus minister. He is now North American Director of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, and author of "Abide in the Heart of Christ: a 10-Day Personal Retreat with St Ignatius Loyola, based on the Spiritual Exercises" (Ave Maria Press, 2019).

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Belonging to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Posted by Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ on Oct 16, 2020 7:03:00 AM

Hearts are everywhere in our culture. We use the emoji in texts: “I ❤️U,” or on bumper stickers: “I ❤️NY.” Instagram and Twitter let you click a heart to ‘like’ a post. And let’s not forget the ‘hand heart.’ Notre Dame’s Domers, of course, love the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the central place of worship on campus. So what is this Sacred Heart? And what does it mean? In my work with teenagers and young adults, I sense this devotion is poised for a great renewal.

We’re all craving connection, community, communion, and love in our broken and virus-wrecked world. We seek a heartfelt relationship with something, or rather Someone, bigger than ourselves. This is the power and attraction of the Sacred Heart. The heart of our Catholic faith is not an idea, but a person: Jesus. And he has a living, beating human heart right now. He has a risen Body and his Heart is filled with love for you and me.

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Topics: communion of saints, devotional prayer, Jesus Christ, love, Sacred Heart of Jesus, community, saint devotions

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