On Monday, I would go to Notre Dame, Tuesday, Saint-Sulpice, Wednesday, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Thursday, Sacré-Cœur, and Friday, la Madeleine... I had googled the most beautiful churches in Paris and planned on attending mass at each one during my first week studying abroad. And so every evening, I ventured out into the still unfamiliar city and hid myself behind the massive cathedral columns, peering around at the stunning architecture and struggling diligently to identify familiar French words. And each evening, I would stumble back into the apartment, exhausted but beaming with excitement and a sense of accomplishment.
Laura Richter
Laura is a senior at Notre Dame studying Art History and Studio Art, though she delights in a diverse range of ideas and topics. From Portland, Oregon, she enjoys hiking and camping, spending time with her family, concocting new recipes in the kitchen, playing piano, bookmaking and traveling.