I never used to be a wailer or fist banger. I didn’t understand what would drive people to do such things. That was before. Before my child’s brain broke. As my son slipped deeper into schizophrenia, I lost parts of myself, too. I lost my balance as I tried to navigate this bewildering maze of new behaviors and medical resources until I felt consumed by a rage and then a wailing cry to God to help me.
Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson, a convert to Catholicism, is a mental health advocate. She teaches a seminar at Notre Dame on "Living with Mental Illness" and is the founder of the Clubhouse of St. Joseph County, a community center that helps individuals with chronic mental illness rebuild their lives. From 2003–2010, she was the Director of Graduate Career Counseling at Notre Dame’s Career Center.
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Be Not Afraid: Accompanying Loved Ones with Mental Illness
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Lisa Anderson on Oct 9, 2020 11:55:12 AM
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Topics: self-giving love, mental health, Mental Illness Awareness Week, accompaniment