Contrary to popular belief, I think it is incredibly exciting to visit nursing homes. Sure, there are times when you might want to nod off like literally every other person in the room, but there are also times when I visit and my friends Helen and John are both talking to me at once, someone’s yelling because their toe got run over by a wheelchair, the nurses are running around with sweaters and glasses of water, and the Hallmark channel is playing so loudly in the background that the elderly preacher in the corner doesn’t even need his hearing aid. Especially when you’re on a college campus and all the people you live with are between the ages of 17 and 23, even just seeing an old person is exciting.
Raechel Kiesel
My name is Raechel Kiesel, and I am a junior studying sociology and theology with a minor in business economics. I am originally from Fort Branch, Indiana, and love having free time to play piano or hang out with family and friends!