A few days after last year’s Feast of the Visitation, I started working on this poem. I had recently come across a villanelle (a form of poetry that’s a bit like a puzzle, definitely structured but not too strict) and wanted to try writing one myself. I looked back at it today and was surprised how much I liked it—enough to share it, I guess.
Sarah O'Brien

Sarah O’Brien is a California girl in the Midwest, trying to embrace life with real seasons. As a former campus minister, a Catholic convert and a mother of two, she is learning to find God in the ordinary.
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An uplifting poem for the Feast of the Visitation
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Sarah O'Brien on May 31, 2019 7:00:00 AM
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For the last few weeks, I’ve been reading Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe. The book has been helpful in a lot of ways, but one insight in particular has changed the way I view interruptions in my life: I choose to be interrupted.
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Topics: parenthood, saints, witness, universal call to holiness