A growing number of people today assume that the pursuit of the natural world—science—must move us farther and farther from God. Recent studies have confirmed that great numbers of young people are leaving the Church because of the “conflict” between faith and science and the lack of scientific evidence for religion (see Faith, Science and Reason: Theology on the Cutting Edge, 24). Popular narratives aside, science and faith are not enemies. In fact, through the years, Christianity has been essential to the progression of science and it is only in recent decades that such misconceptions have ingrained themselves into the cultural subconscious. Yet it stands that the conversation about the relationship between faith and science is an important one that we are all bound to encounter, whether in our classrooms, parishes, workplaces, or homes. For the good of Catholic young people and the future of science, this vision must be restored, because it is only when faith and science are seen together that one can come to see clearly the truth of both the world and the glory of God.
Sarah Wallace

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Staying Catholic in College: A Letter to Youth Ministers
Dear high school youth ministers,
Congratulations! Though it has had an ending unlike any other, another successful year is on the books and another amazing group of seniors has been launched from your ministry. While it’s sad to see them go, they’re off to bigger and better things, armed with a wealth of faith and wisdom gained from their youth ministry experiences.
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Finally, high school is over and you are FREE!!! Congratulations! Eat some cake. Now, get excited because college is just around the corner!
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