Celebrating the Fourth Sunday of Lent

Posted by Timothy O'Malley on Mar 20, 2020 1:24:36 PM

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Topics: Eucharist, Lent, liturgy, Mass, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources

What If Public Masses Are Canceled?

Posted by Timothy O'Malley on Mar 16, 2020 2:49:10 PM

The degree to which Catholics love the Mass has never been more evident than in Catholic Twitter’s reaction to liturgical adjustments made because of the Coronavirus outbreak. The cancellation of the Eucharist in Rome has led many to wonder how the faithful can survive without regular celebration of the Mass in their presence, the reception of Holy Communion as a way of receiving grace in these trying times. Our longing to receive the Eucharist during this time, to hear the Holy Scriptures, and spend time with one another in Christian community is a sign that our identity as Catholics is closely tied to the Eucharist. 

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Topics: Easter, Eucharist, Lent, Mass, sacrifice, coronavirus, Catholic Twitter, COVID-19 Resources

Ways to get students involved in school liturgies

Posted by Katie Diltz on Jan 29, 2019 10:42:47 AM

One of the defining marks of a Catholic school is the communal celebration of the Sacraments. Growing up as a student in a Catholic school, I remember having all-school Masses once each quarter. When I began teaching at St. Paul Catholic School in St. Petersburg, Florida, I was delighted to learn that our school gathered every week to celebrate Mass. As the middle school religion teacher, I had the opportunity to coordinate these weekly all-school Masses and facilitate student involvement. Here are a few of the best practices I learned along the way:

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Topics: catechesis, children, liturgy, Mass, parenting, teaching resources

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