In the first part of this series, I offered some foundational thoughts on homeschooling and crisis management during quarantine. Part two covered meeting essential needs, and part three offered suggestions regarding routine.
Caroline Murphy

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Topics: resources, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, homeschooling, Montessori education
In the first part of this series, I offered some foundational thoughts on homeschooling and crisis management during quarantine. Part two covered meeting everyone’s essential needs. With basics covered, a daily routine comes into play.
Topics: education, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, homeschooling, Montessori education
Homeschooling 101, Part 2: Laying the Foundation
In the first part of this series, I offered some thoughts on homeschooling and crisis management. In this installment, I’ll give suggestions pertaining to essential needs.
Topics: children, education, domestic church, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, homeschooling
Homeschooling 101, Part 1: The Challenges and the Joys
New to homeschooling and overwhelmed? I hear you. Though I homeschooled my three children—now 10, 8, and 5—for years, I returned to full-time work in January. Social distancing has been a learning curve for me as I figure out how to weave homeschooling with professional responsibilities. Thankfully, we had a huge leg up given the familiarity of our homeschool routine, formed in the crucible of many mistakes. My hope is to spare you the trouble and give you the benefits I’ve come by the hard way.
Topics: education, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, homeschooling
Editorial Note: This post is a part of our saint devotion series, in which one of our staff or faculty members explores their relationship with a particular saint. In honor of International Women's Day, we are highlighting female saints this week.
Messages. We’re surrounded by them. Phones are ever-messaging, ever-announcing, ever-calling out to us, as is our environment, saturating our senses with advertisements, music, screens, and images. Messages consume our attention and punctuate our consciousness. Their demand for our engagement can be overwhelming; not responding to every tug at our attention becomes a psychological survival mechanism. When we do respond, we often polish and curate what we say from a safe distance.
Topics: communion of saints, prayer, saints, spirituality, devotions, saint devotions