McKenzie Brummond

McKenzie Brummond
At the time this story was originally published in 2017, McKenzie (Mac) Brummond was a senior majoring in the Program of Liberal Studies and minoring in theology and constitutional studies while working as a Church Life Intern at the McGrath Institute for Church Life, where she worked on psalm composition and fostering a deeper understanding of the importance of the Liturgy of the Hours in the Church.

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Stories of Grace: Finding Grace Through Adoption

Posted by McKenzie Brummond on Jan 24, 2020 7:02:00 AM

Growing up, bedtime at the Brummond house was quite an extensive ritual. After we took a bath, my mom would let my brother and I pick out three books each that she would read to us before tucking us in. One such book that sticks out in my memory is Happy Adoption Day, a short children’s book based on a song. The lyrics to the chorus were something like this:

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Topics: pro-life, stories of grace, adoption

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