Notre Dame, our Mother
Tender, strong and true,
Proudly in the heavens
Gleams thy gold and blue.
Elizabeth Clarke

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Topics: Congregation of Holy Cross, Mary, Notre Dame, pilgrimage, Marian devotion
“What are you giving up for Lent?” In my youth, this question was fraught with the anxiety of choosing which I would rather give up for forty days: ice cream or chocolate. More recently though, I have tried to embrace the ascetic element of this liturgical season as an opportunity to examine how God is inviting me to let go and who God is inviting me to become.
Topics: almsgiving, Lent, prayer, fasting, traditions
“What are you giving up for Lent?” In my youth, this question was fraught with the anxiety of choosing which I would rather give up for forty days: ice cream or chocolate. More recently though, I have tried to embrace the ascetic element of this liturgical season as an opportunity to examine how God is inviting me to let go and who God is inviting me to become.
Topics: almsgiving, Lent, prayer, fasting, traditions