As demonstrated in the previous installment of this series, the first movement in exercising pastoral creativity is adopting a posture of prayer and gratitude. This cultivates an interior space for reflecting on your own gifts and identifying the community that God calls to your attention to serve. Grounded in gratitude for all that God has given you and all you are able to offer back in love, the next movement is turning to listen to those people whom God has called you to serve.
Topics: Notre Dame Vision, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, ministry resources
Looking for new ideas or resources to engage your faith or your ministry? Here are our weekly curated links, including offerings in each of the following categories: Prayer for the Home, Educational Opportunities, Resources (for ministers, educators, parents, etc.), and Flourishing and Fun.
Topics: Politics, COVID-19 Resources, Monday Motivation Weekly Resources, ministry resources, anti-racism, election 2020, Black Catholic History Month
Engaging Pastoral Creativity: Pray, Reflect, Identify
With the uncertainty and pain of the coronavirus pandemic compounded by the injustice, suffering, and division rampant in the world today, the need for compassionate outreach and pastoral creativity is ever more apparent. Entering into an intentional process of pastoral creativity begins with a commitment to engage in movements of prayer, reflection, and attending to others that can open your heart to the ways God works within and through you.
Topics: lay ecclesial ministry, Notre Dame Vision, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, ministry resources
Looking for new ideas or resources to engage your faith or your ministry? Here are our weekly curated links, including offerings in each of the following categories: Prayer for the Home, Educational Opportunities, Resources (for ministers, educators, parents, etc.), and Flourishing and Fun.
Topics: Politics, Pope John Paul II, voting, Catholic Social Teaching, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, Monday Motivation Weekly Resources
At the heart of Notre Dame Vision is the mission to empower young people to recognize grace at work in their lives and respond to God’s call by offering their gifts in service to the needs of the world. For the past eighteen years, this mission has been carried out each summer through four week-long conferences for high school students and parallel conferences for campus and youth ministers.
Topics: Notre Dame Vision, youth ministry, campus ministry, ministry, coronavirus, COVID-19 Resources, ministry resources