Katie Diltz

Katie Diltz
Katie oversees the area of professional formation for Echo participants and works closely with Notre Dame's Department of Theology to coordinate Echo participants' movement through the M.A. in Theology degree program. She also provides ongoing support to current Echo apprentices and theology teachers throughout their time in the program.

Recent Posts

Embracing Parish Life, Part 4: Getting Involved

Posted by Katie Diltz on Sep 18, 2019 7:12:00 AM

In thinking about writing a series for young adults on embracing parish life, I began by informally surveying young adult Catholics in my social networks. The 85 people who responded to my Google survey represent an atypical sampling of millennials (my social networks are exceptionally Catholic-y): 80% attend Mass at least weekly, 80% are registered at their parishes, and 83.5% donate to their parishes at least occasionally. And, yet, only 55.3% of this group can definitively say that they feel like part of their parish communities. 

We go to Mass, we’re registered, we donate, but we don’t feel like we belong. What are we missing?

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Topics: Millennials, young people, parish life, embracing parish life

Embracing Parish Life, Part 3: Tithing

Posted by Katie Diltz on Sep 11, 2019 3:35:46 PM

I love budgeting. It might be a slight obsession. My friends and co-workers can attest to my willingness to tell anyone and everyone how wonderful and important it is to budget.

The first expense category on our monthly budget is “Giving,” which includes two separate items: giving to our local parish and giving to a charity or cause (we choose something different each month). I share this not to gloat but to share our strategy; if giving wasn’t the first thing on our budget, we’d easily find other ways to spend our money.

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Topics: Millennials, young people, parish life, embracing parish life

Embracing Parish Life, Part 2: Registering

Posted by Katie Diltz on Sep 4, 2019 7:03:00 AM

Throughout my 20s and into my early 30s there have been some “defining moments” that have made me feel like I’m slowly but surely reaching adulthood. Getting my car’s oil changed, purchasing and cooking a Thanksgiving turkey, and planting tulip bulbs and various other flowers in my yard are just a few of those moments. Registering at my parish is another.

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Topics: Millennials, young people, parish life, embracing parish life

Embracing Parish Life, Part 1: Choosing a Parish

Posted by Katie Diltz on Aug 28, 2019 7:15:00 AM

Choosing a parish can be tricky. A few years ago, our parish experienced a few clergy transitions, which, as you might imagine, affected the “feel” of the parish. When that happened, my husband and I had to decide whether to stick it out and reinvest in our current parish or to take a look at some other parishes in our area closer to our home. Like many new college graduates and transitioning young adults, we found ourselves in the process of choosing a parish. 

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Topics: Millennials, young people, parish life, embracing parish life

Three stages of encountering God in prayer

Posted by Katie Diltz on Jun 19, 2019 7:00:00 AM

The busier I become, the more I’m tempted to rush or even decrease my prayer time. But whenever I do this, I neglect the real purpose of my prayer: to set aside time and space to connect with or encounter God.

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Topics: healing, penance, prayer

Living and Handing on the Faith

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